Reaching the next generation is the heart beat of our student ministry. First Students provides Middle and High Schoolers with the opportunity to seek the Lord through various outlets that is centered around God’s word. We believe teenagers are are not only the future of our church, but they are the church!
Meet Owen and Austin

Austin Dupper
Student Ministry Associate
James 1:2-3 is my favorite verse and it says, “Consider it PURE JOY whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” Praise God that even in life’s most trying moments, we can still have JOY because of our hope in Jesus Christ and our eternal home in heaven. I grew up in Decatur, and went to high school down the street. I have a passion for prayer, the nation of Haiti, and discipling young men. I'd love to meet you and for you to join our biblical community!

Owen Meadows
Minister to Students
You know how the story goes, "I grew up in church, was raised by a loving family, then the Lord pulled me out of sin and into His new life for me when I heard the Gospel at a kids ministry puppet show!" No? Not your story? Well, that's mine! I'm a product of faithful members of a local church caring enough about the next generation to pray for, correct (a lot!), and disciple every step along the way as I've grown into a lifelong follower of Jesus. It's my life's goal right now to do the same for this next generation because 6th-12th graders aren't the church of the future, they're the church now! Contact me sometime, I'd love to meet you ( | 334-275-2052)
(Psalm 78:1-8, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 4:11-16)!
Middle & High School (6th-12th) @ 6:00 PM
Students - join us on Wednesday nights for a time of intentional Bible study and worship led by our student worship band! Middle School & High School gathers at 6:00 PM with split teaching. Come see us on the third floor to be a part of what God is doing in our student ministry!
Middle School and High School at 9:15 AM
3rd floor
Small Groups are a time to grow closer to one another while spending time building our Biblical foundation as believers. Students are gathered together around tables with their small groups for a time of big group teaching led by one of our leaders, and then get to break off into their small groups for a time of discussion and prayer with their leaders. Come join us on Sunday mornings
at 9:15 AM!
Upcoming Events
- Sat, May 24San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Mon, Jun 09Decatur, AL
- Sat, Jul 05Ocoee, TN