We believe that parents are the spiritual leaders in their homes. Our First Preschool team seeks to partner with parents as they begin to effectively disciple their preschooler. Children (6 weeks to PreK) are welcome to join us and experience God's Word through Bible stories, activities, play and songs.
Meet Vickie

Vickie Allaway
Director of Preschool Ministries
I have been an Alabama native since 1989 when I married my high school sweetheart, Troy. We love traveling, especially overseas. When I have time, I love to cook/bake and also enjoy photography...capturing the sweet smile of a preschooler melts my heart. Even though we do not have children of our own, God healed my heart and surrounded me with lots of little ones to teach and care for. Nothing makes me happier than to see a child learn and grow in his/her knowledge of the Lord. I have always loved children (especially preschoolers), and I am so thankful God placed me in this position.

2s - PreK
@ 6:00 PM
Wednesday nights are full of high energy learning and fun! We build upon Sunday's lesson through songs, Bible teaching and activities. Repetition is the best way for preschoolers to learn and retain information.
Childcare is provided for children under 2.
Babies - PreK
@ 9:15 AM
Our goal in Sunday school is to provide a solid Biblical foundation in a safe, loving environment. It's important to us to teach your child how to share the gospel with others as they learn more about His Word every Sunday.
SUNDAYS @ 10:30 AM
Babies - 2s
Loving team members care for your preschooler while you worship. We make sure to share Jesus with them through songs, books and pictures.
WEE Worship
3s - PreK
WEE Worship is an opportunity to worship on their level while mom & dad worship in the sanctuary. We talk about the Bible lesson from Sunday school so anyone who misses will still hear God's Word. Then we worship through song, learning words and motions...we even incorporate drums/rhythm sticks to work on listening skills.
Watch the video to learn more about Parent Child Commissioning!